Holy Spirit lead word today…
A way to look at things such as praying/prayer/pray in times like these.
Many times throughout the bible the word prayer/pray is mentioned. But there are also different meanings for them. I want to talk about the word PRAY here in Thessalonians and Ephesians…(1 Thessalonians 5:17, and Ephesians 6:18)
The Greek word used in “pray” without ceasing verse is “Proseuchomai“ means to come toward, to come face to face with God! He wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him through prayer, which is spirit-to-spirit. Let me explain how we come spirit to spirit with God.
It is intimate coming face to face with God. It shouldn’t be like sending a wish or a pray off into the heavens in hope for God to hear our prayers. Instead, we find God, who wants us to come close to him, and to bring it all, everything we have, everything we are, as a constant and continual intimate conversation with him with every single breath we take.
The Holy Spirit reminded me several weeks ago about His name, Yahweh, which means, “ I am.” And He is. God. The name of God, Yahweh, we can hear it with every breath we inhale and exhale. It’s LIFE. I want you to grab ahold of this…Yahweh breathed life and His name into our lungs. So with every breath we exhale the name powerful name of God. His name is breathed into our lives and His name is exhaled out of our lungs with every breath and even with every word spoken, HE IS THERE, HE IS LIFE.
Paul in Ephesians when he says to, “proseuchomai” (pray/ to come face to face with God) in the “pneuma.” (Spirit) (The Greek word pneuma means spirit, breath, and breath of Life.) And with petition means; “Prayers are heard.”
With every breath with take we are one with God. Eph 6:18 talks about putting on the full armor of God and in verse 18 says; 18 With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and to this end be alert, with all perseverance and petitions for all the saints.”
That in our spirit, and in every breath we take, there is a divine communion with Yahweh as we breathe in and breathe out, and as Yahweh invites us to come closer with Him, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
When you pray today, pray knowing we are one with God and His Holy Spirit living inside of us. We can come face-to-face, spirit-to-spirit with Him every moment of every day. And when you pray/face to face with Him, your prayers have been heard, and set in motion! Rejoice and thank Him for what He is doing! Leave your fears with Him, and have faith in God’s abilities to come through on our behalf and know when you are wearing His full armor and are one with His Holy Spirit you are a force to be reckoned with and you can not be shaken!
And if you don’t know God intimately yet know He is there with you in everything, He is there waiting for you to come face to face with Him. All you have to do is speak/pray/communicate with Him and He is there with you, spirit to spirit! – Courtney Carlson 2.24.22